Visit Valley of the Kings the Burial place of the great pharaohs of Egypt.

Pharaohs of the Sedge & Bee the great Pharaohs who ruled Egypt in the New kingdom and established a great Empire ruled the ancient world Visit Valley of the Kings & Enjoy their great burial places you can’t miss visiting this place when you are in Luxor.

Facts about the Valley of the Kings

Situated on the ancient site of Thebes in the West Bank of Luxor in Upper Egypt and the most important site to visit when you are in Luxor.
The Valley of Kings is the ancient burial ground of many of Egypt’s New Kingdom Pharaohs
A truly impressive site! There, you will find Tutankhamen’s tomb which was discovered almost intact in 1922 and the tomb of Ramses IV, among others. A ticket will allow you visiting 3 of the 63 tombs on site, except Tutankhamen’s tomb.

The tombs have suffered greatly from treasure hunters, floods in the past and in recent years, from mass tourism: carbon dioxide, friction and humidity taking photos with flash inside the tombs produced by the average of 2.8g of sweat left by each visitor have affected the reliefs and the pigments of the wall paintings. The ministry of Antiquities has installed dehumidifiers and glass screens in the worst-affected tombs and introduced a rotation system for opening tombs to the public while restoring others.

Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut in Luxor, Egypt

The road to discover the Valley of the Kings

The Valley has been a focus of concentrated Archaeological explorations since the early of the eighteenth century, and its tombs and burials continue to stimulate research and interest. In modern times the valley has become famous for the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun (and is one of the most famous archaeological sites in the world. In 1979, it became a World Heritage Site many explores worked at the Valley of the Kings from the time of the French expedition and many other Archeologist
the most remarkable was the discovery of the tomb of King Tutankhamen in 1922 AD by Haward Carter.
Till now Valley of the Kings still reveal its secrets and the last thing was the scan of Tutankhamun tomb
And the possibility of other treasures or tomb still behind the walls.

Temple of Queen Hatshepsut, Luxor Egypt

What is the best Tombs you should Visit in the Valley of the Kings?

As we have said the valley has a rotation system for opening tombs to the public.So we will guide you to the best tombs that you should visit when you are in the Valley of the Kings.

Tomb of Tuthmosis III (KV 34) 1479–1425 BC.

The great Pharaoh, the Napoleon of Ancient Egypt because of his many military campaigns.

He established the Egyptian empire built many obelisks and temples and a big part in the Karnak temple called ( Akh –Menu) one of the best parts in the great Temple of Karnak.

His tomb at the Valley is hidden in the hills between limestone cliffs and reached only via a steep staircase that crosses an even steeper ravine, this tomb demonstrates the lengths to which the ancient kings went to thwart the cunning of the ancient thieves.

The temple of Hatshepsut near Luxor in Egypt

Tomb of Ramses III (KV 11) – 1184–1153 BC)

The last of Egypt’s warrior pharaohs of the New kingdom built one of the longest tombs in the Valley of the Kings.

Featured the rituals texts, one of the main scene is the Blind Harpists that gave the tomb one of its alternative names: ‘Tomb of the Harper’s’ the mummy of the king now in the Egyptian museum and his sarcophagus is in the Louvre in Paris it was stolen long ago.

it is 125 meter deep inside the cliffs it is marked by its beautiful colorful painted and sunken reliefs.

Tomb of Tutankhamun (KV 62 -1336–1327 BC)

The story of the celebrated discovery of the famous tomb and all the fabulous treasures it contained far outshines its actual appearance, and it is one of the least impressive tombs in the valley. Tutankhamen tomb is small and bears all the signs of a rather hasty completion and inglorious burial, as well as significant damage to the decorations.

It was discovered by The Egyptologist Howard Carter 4 November 1922 and he found the tomb intact with all its treasures and the Mummy as well.You can find all the treasure of king Tutankhamen in the Egyptian Museum we recommend for you to visit the Tomb of Tutankhamen during your visit to the Valley it require special ticket about 12 $.